Knights of Columbus Council #10289

Join The Knights!

In service to One. In service to all.

St. Ann’s Council #10289 was formed in 1990. We were and continue to be an organization that does charitable work in our community.

Read about our history here. If you’re interested in joining the Knights, any practicing Catholic man 18 years of age or older, please contact Grand Knight, Chris Buckley at 918-406-6199 or email Chris at For additional information visit our website at

Grand Knight: Chris Buckley
Deputy Grand Knight:
  Ed Merritt


 The Knights of Columbus will be hosting a monthly devotion to pray the Rosary with special intentions for the dignity, sanctity & protection for all human life from the conception to natural death. The Rosary will be held the third Wednesday of each month in the church. This month, the Rosary will be on February 19th beginning at 7:00pm with Exposition, Adoration and Benediction following the Rosary. A Rosary will be provided to you to keep and all are welcome to join us as we gather to pray.


 The 35th Annual St. Ann’s Knights of Columbus Council #10289 Charity 5 Road Race and Family Fun Run/Walk will be held on Sunday, March 9th at 10am.

The race starts and finishes at the Raynham Lions Club on King Phillip Street. Runners and walkers of all ages are welcome to join in the fun. Free race t-shirt for all runners registered by 2/23. Full pancake breakfast for participants after the race!

This race is the main fundraising vehicle for the St. Ann’s Knights Council. All proceeds are used to support local families and charities in need as well as to fund scholarships for college bound Raynham students. Volunteers interested in helping with the race and those interested in sponsorship opportunities or donations can contact Race Director, John Donahue at 617-620-1246 or or call Ed Mahoney at 508-245-0644. For runners information and to register for the event go to:

COUNCIL #10289

The next regular business meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 12th at 7:00pm in the Parish Center. All members are encouraged to attend.

Knights of Columbus Council #10289

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