In service to One. In service to all.
St. Ann’s Council #10289 was formed in 1990. We were and continue to be an organization that does charitable work in our community.
Read about our history here. If you’re interested in joining the Knights, any practicing Catholic man 18 years of age or older, please contact Grand Knight, Chris Buckley at 918-406-6199 or email Chris at For additional information visit our website at
Grand Knight: Chris Buckley
Deputy Grand Knight: Ed Merritt
Knights of Columbus
Rosary for Life
Please join us on
March 19th at
7:00pm at St Ann’s Parish Raynham, 675 North Main St, with Exposition, Adoration, and praying the rosary concluding with Benediction.
Our guest speaker
Lindsay Allard, attends UMass Amherst and will share experiences from her first Pro-Life March in Washington D.C. this past January. The event is also the Feast Day of St Joseph and will be a wonderful opportunity to gather for a special night with the Holy Family praying for the dignity, sanctity and protection of all human life, from conception to natural death in our faithful witness to the Gospel of Life.
COUNCIL #10289
The next regular business meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 9th at 7:00pm in the Parish Center. All members are encouraged to attend.
St. Ann's Parish
675 North Main Street
Raynham, MA 02767
Parish Office:
(508) 823-9833, (508) 823-9834
Faith Formation Office:
(508) 824-9021
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