We are happy to announce we will be watching the
Symbolon series through the Augustine Institute for all adults beginning in September.
This will be a 10 part series. We will meet in the basement of the Church on Monday nights from 5:30pm to 6:45pm on the same days as the children's Faith Formation (September 2024 to March 2025 see the Religious Ed calendar for exact dates). The cost of the workbook will be $9.
Please email adultfaithformation@stannsparish.org if you are interested in attending so we can order enough workbooks, or if you have any questions.
St. Ann's Parish
675 North Main Street
Raynham, MA 02767
Parish Office:
(508) 823-9833, (508) 823-9834
Faith Formation Office:
(508) 824-9021
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