Congratulations on the birth of your child!
At baptism, with the support of godparents and the Catholic community, your child enters a community of people dedicated to living according to the message of Jesus as found in the scriptures. At the celebration of baptism, you promise to raise your child in the Catholic faith and making the world the way God says it ought to be.
Parents who ask that their child be baptized into Christ have the most significant part to play in the passing on the Christian life to their children. It is through them that the child will come to know the love of God. It is through them that the child will learn to be beyond the family circle and become involved in the larger community in which he/she lives. Know of our prayers for your family!
Contact the parish offce and say you are looking to have your child baptized. Fr. Matt will then reach out to you to schedule a brief meeting. A date will then be scheduled.
Generally, baptisms as St. Ann’s are done the first three Sundays of the month at 11:30AM. If this is a problem, please discuss this with Fr. Matt or Deacon Joe.
Generally, baptisms at St. Ann’s are performed by either Fr. Matt or Deacon Joe. Fr. Matt and Deacon Joe generally alternate weekends, but if you would like to request one or the other we will do our best to accommodate.
St. Ann’s welcomes visiting priests and deacons to perform baptisms. Generally, baptisms performed by a visiting clergy member are done on Sundays at 1:30PM. If this is a problem, please discuss this with Fr. Matt or Deacon Joe
All godparents must obtain a certificate/letter from their own parish stating that they are members in good standing and are eligible to act as a godparent for Baptism. These certificates should be submitted to the parish office as soon as possible.
The godparents will stand with the parents and publicly acknowledge their commitment to support the child’s parents in raising him/her in the faith. With the parents, they will trace the sign of the cross on the child’s forehead. During the baptism itself, the godparents will place a hand on the shoulder of the parents symbolizing their support and commitment in their role as Christian godparents.
A family member or friend can stand in at the ceremony as a proxy for the absent godparent, but the godparent’s name will appear on the baptismal certificate.
St. Ann's Parish
675 North Main Street
Raynham, MA 02767
Parish Office:
(508) 823-9833, (508) 823-9834
Faith Formation Office:
(508) 824-9021
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