Monetary donations or grocery store gift vouchers for the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
can be placed in the St. Ann’s collection plate, in an envelope directed to St. Vincent de Paul, dropped off at the church office in the center, or mailed to SVDP, PO Box 247 (675 North Main Street), Raynham 02768.
Food may be donated to the pantry by placing it in the baskets inside each entrance to the church.
Car Donations – Do you have a used car, truck, or boat – running or not?
SVdP has a car donation program. Proceeds will directly benefit SVdP of St. Ann’s Parish.
You’ll receive the maximum allowable tax deduction, in accordance with IRS guidelines.
Call 1-800-322-8284 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) to schedule a pickup (within 1-2 business days) or go to the website for step-by-step instructions and an online donation form.
St. Ann's Parish
675 North Main Street
Raynham, MA 02767
Parish Office:
(508) 823-9833, (508) 823-9834
Faith Formation Office:
(508) 824-9021
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