Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 5:00 PM
Monday - Friday: 7:30 AM
Saturdays: 8:00 AM
Mass on weekday holidays starts at 8:00 AM
Daily Mass: 7:30 AM (8:00 AM on holidays)
Saturday Daily Mass: 8:00 AM
Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
First Friday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Saturday: 2:45 PM to 3:45 PM
Wednesday: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Fr. Matt will be away Thursday, February 13th through Friday, February 21st. No confessions this Wednesday, February 19th.
Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM
Saturdays: 8:30 AM
Divine Mercy Chaplet: First Friday at 3:00 PM
Monday - Thursday: 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM
The parish office is closed on holidays.
Join us as we continue our study of St. Therese's Story of a Soul (Study Edition). 10AM in the Parish Center.
Join us as we knit and crochet these beautiful prayer blankets & shawls. 1PM in the Parish Center.
We invite all knights to join us for our monthly business meeting. 7PM in the Parish Hall.
We are glad you are here!
Saint Ann's is a family-oriented Catholic community of faith, serving the people of Raynham since 1960. We are committed to sharing the Good News of the Gospel, worshiping together in the Sacramental life of the Church, and serving our community. We are blessed to offer a wide variety of ministries and groups which provide opportunities for growing in discipleship and deepening our faith together. Whatever you interests or abilities, St. Ann's has something for you!
St. Ann's Parish
675 North Main Street
Raynham, MA 02767
Parish Office:
(508) 823-9833, (508) 823-9834
Faith Formation Office:
(508) 824-9021
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